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So this little lady is holding tight and cooking away. It seems that she thinks a December 23rd induction is the way to go. Little does she know that she will one day resent a birthday so close to Christmas and wish that she would have appeared a couple of days earlier.
At my doc appointment last week I was 4 cm and 50% effaced. My doctor commented that she did not understand how I was still walking around and not having a baby. All I know is that you cannot call this walking. The sciatic nerve pain has hit an all-time peak. I contemplated calling an ambulance on Monday because I could not walk. I was home from work because the Nugget was sick and I got hit with some serious pain. It was so bad I could not walk, so I had to crawl to the bedroom and find some Tylenol. I probably looked like a crack head digging around for drugs. And my poor child was following me asking why I was acting like a baby. He's lucky he is was sick, is cute, and I was crippled!
I am back to waddling today, so that is a positive. Hopefully the visit to the doctor tomorrow ends in sending me to the hospital. A girl can dream!
I am happy to report that the last couple of days were not a complete waste- we were able to cross one item off of our agenda- visiting Santa Claus. Christopher was so excited to visit the big guy, but froze when we got within 10 feet of him. Luckily there was no line, so I was able to coax him a bit. The first attempt at sitting on his lap resulted in a cry/run away combo. I'm not ashamed to say I bribed him with a trip to the train store to get him to sit and smile for 1 picture. So here is Santa 2013:
So it is obvious that I have done the worst job documenting this pregnancy. I cannot even offer excuses (ok- so I can- nausea, back pain, anemia, extreme tiredness, etc...). I realized that this babe is about to make an appearance- and I have done nothing other than announce the pregnancy.
So here is a quick snapshot of the pregnancy to date:
- 18-19 weeks = time when morning sickness subsided
- 25 weeks = time when back pain picked up
- 30 weeks = time when sleeping through the night ceased around-replaced with bathroom trips every 2 hours
- 30 weeks = time when peanut butter craving started to disappear
- 8425 = number of pistachio's consumed in last 2 months
- 18= number of pounds higher the scale is showing (although I lost 4 in the beginning, so actual gain is 22)
- 11 = number of pounds added as a direct result of the pistachio consumption
- 16 = number of times a day I remind Christopher to be careful and not jump on my stomach
- 5 = number of times a day Christopher kisses my belly and says hi to his sister
- 9 = number on a scale of 1-10 that I am mentally ready for this baby
- 4 = number on a scale of 1-10 that we are actually ready for this baby (this weekend will be spent packing bags, getting the car seat out, buying newborn diapers, & getting the bassinet set up)
- 1 = number on a scale of 1-10 that I am ready at work to be out for 3 months (but the good news is, if I am not there, I can't stress about it)
I had a check-up with the doctor yesterday, and was a bit surprised with the outcome. I was hoping that I would be progressing along on my own so that they would schedule an induction. I did not think that she would tell me that I am 3cm and 50% effaced. She also said this baby will probably be smaller (in weight and hopefully head circumference) than Christopher- AMEN!!
So while that doesn't necessarily mean the baby will be early, there's a good chance she will. Which is why this weekend will be spent getting the O'Neill household ready for the little lady.
Here's a bump picture- taken at 37 weeks: