Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Maternity leave comes to an end

Elizabeth officially turned 3 months old last week.  And with that, an end to maternity leave has come.  Cue the tears.  I was getting quite used to my life of leisure with the babes.  Elizabeth had her first day of "school" on Monday.  I am proud to say that she did great.  She is honestly the best and easiest baby, so I wasn't surprised.  But it was nice to be reassured that she was a happy little lady while there.  And her big brother is super excited to have her at school with him.  Each day this week he has insisted that we drop her off first so that he can "see those babies".  He takes great pride in deciding where Elizabeth should sit when we drop her off and has told the teacher 3 days in a row to "feed her if she cries". 

Next week is school picture day.  Please start praying for me now.  Getting Christopher to wear something other than sweat pants or pajama pants will take an act of God.