Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I work out

To release some steam (daycare is hard work), Christopher likes to indulge in a little yoga in his free time. He has perfected the downward facing dog pose. Talent runs deep over here!

Bad hair day?

Or great hair day? You decide:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sneak preview

Last time we were in the Lou, Christopher had a photo shoot. He's an in-demand model my peeps. How precious is this? Christopher looks ok as well.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fake Laugh

Apparently the jokes around here are so lame that our baby has had to come up with a fake laugh.  I guess we need to work on our material.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

My little man might be the funniest sleeper on the planet.  I could spend hours watching him snooze (cue creepy stalker music now).  Some of these pictures have been seen before- but they are stinking cute, so get over it.  And I don't know why he puts those hands behind his head when he sleeps, but I hope he never stops.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday BFF!!

We celebrated Christopher's best friend's 1st birthday this afternoon.  Michael is turning one on Monday and partied it up with a monkey-themed bash.  Christopher was so excited to see his BFF.  But even more excited to see his BFF's mom?!  Seriously!  I just hope this is not a preview of his future. 

Michael's cute cake

BFF's reunited again!

It's not a party until the birthday boy drops his pants

Who is excited to smash a cake?!

Best picture of the day

The Tomaro Fam- how cute is this pic?!?!

Opening presents- also known as complete kid chaos

Where was my precious baby while Michael was opening his gifts?  Right there in the middle of it trying to steal them for himself.  We are working on being more discreet about what we steal.

We had to have one last BFF moment before we left.  And this happened- Christopher's little arm is around Michael's shoulder!

Lean on me, when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend.  I'll help you carry on.

Happy birthday BFF.  Love you.

I'm still working on expressing my emotions, so sometimes I show love by biting my friends

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekend visit with Papa and Grandma

We took full advantage of having Papa and Grandma in town for Christopher's birthday.  We put them to work cooking, cleaning, and doing yard work!  I wish I could say I was joking.  But in addition to the free labor, we also did some playing, walking, napping, etc...  Here is the weekend in pictures:

Enjoying a nice Cleveland night
Helping Grandpa with potential security issues

Loving the slide!

Grandma is really good at swinging!

1st Birthday Party= Success

Christopher's 1st birthday party was a complete success!!  Good company, good food (thanks for the help mom!), and tons of presents for Christopher to open and enjoy!  Guests came from near and far to help celebrate (Papa and Grandma from the Lou, Aunt Katie from DC and Michael and his rents from Dayton).  Since 75% of you were there (and those who weren't already saw the pictures) - this will be just be a refresher.  Here are some pics:

Christopher wasted no time putting his gifts to use.  Here are a couple of his favorites:

New table from G&G O and rockin' the new hat from Uncle Terry

 New water table from Ryan & Reesey (no pants required)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ahhhhhh yeah!

Who's ready to kick off their shoes (and socks) and celebrate the big bday with his peeps this weekend??  This guy:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Year One 411

Christopher had his one year check-up this morning.  Conclusion- he still rocks!!  Here are the measurements:
  • Height= 32 inches- 97th percentile
  • Weight= 21 lb 1.2 oz- 24th percentile
  • Head circumference= 48.7cm- 96th percentile
Alert the media- he is still tall, skinny, and full of knowledge.  The doc recognized how active this little dude is- so we do not need to worry about anorexia just yet- he is just too active to gain a lot of weight (plus he works off anything he does eat). 

Who is totally awesome??  This guy:

 (little nugget wearing a stylish bib enjoying his birthday cupcake)
The little dude is becoming quite opinionated in his old age.  Here are his likes and dislikes:

  • Cruising- he is all about walking around (with the help of a walker or furniture or another baby's head)
  • Climbing into weird spaces- he is obsessed with squeezing his little body into the smallest/weirdest spaces, drawers, etc... 

  • Climbing the stairs.  Christopher's favorite game is crawling towards the steps- looking back to make sure you are watching- then quickly starting to climb.  Apparently, it is hysterical when you go grab him and get him down.

  • Asparagus.  Yes- the green vegetable.  My little man that sometimes throws macaroni and cheese on the ground- will eat the bejesus out of some asparagus.  Grapes and bananas also stack up as favorites.
  • Elmo- this little dude loves Sesame Street- and Elmo's World is definitely his favorite. 
  • Bath time- the old favorite is still proving to be on the top of his list.  But now he enjoys putting numbers on his head while bathing.  Learning to count by osmosis maybe?

  • Sleeping- apparently sleep is total overrated in Willy's World.  We are lucky to get 8 hours at night.  And don't get me started on nap time.  Naps are for babies- and Christopher is a man.
  • Being restrained/contained/detained.  If it ends in -ained, Christopher isn't having it.  There is a short window for the car seat or high chair.  Push the time on that window, and this little man will let you know that he isn't happy.
  • Animals- he has warmed up to the stuffed kind, but still does not mess around with the real deal. 
  • Randy.  Christopher isn't a big fan of his classmate at school.  Good thing Rando graduated to the older classroom.  But man that dude just got under Christopher's skin. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Nugget

I cannot believe this little man is one already. He has become such a little personality full of fun, laughter, temper tantrums, and love. I am so proud to say that he is ours! Happy birthday Christopher!

I joined him for lunch at school today to celebrate. He was kind enough to offer me some rice for my head as well!

I swear he goes to school clean.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sorry in advance boys

As I mentioned here, we spent last weekend with our good friends- Michael and his rents!  And I know a day will come when Michael and Christopher will be very sad that this was shared with the world, but I can't resist.  So here it is- our little dudes in the bath together:

It was pretty entertaining watching these two distinct personalities during bath time.  Michael was sweet and respectful and just trying to lather, rinse, repeat.  Christopher was loud, wild and apparently cramped.  Michael must have been messing up his bath mojo- as he would push him out of the way as he was swimming around.   Manners Christopher- manners.  You can't push another man around in his own tub.  Manners 101.

Boys will be boys

I was exhausted today so I took a little afternoon nap. I woke up and found the boys outside having the time of their lives. I immediately started the bath and scrubbed my little nugget clean. I know I need to get used to the dirt- he is a boy after all. Baby steps my peeps- the fact that I didn't have a full on conniption speaks volumes.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Let's Celebrate- Big WIlly Style

It was a beautiful day in Cleveland yesterday- no sarcasm- it actually was.  It's a Christmas Miracle!  Add that to the fact that mommy got a promotion at work- and the O'Neill's had cause to celebrate!!!  And celebrate we did.  It got crazy up in here.  We spent a good 10 minutes at the playground- 1 minute on the swings (still not a big fan) and the other 9 going down the slide!  If there is one thing the nugget loves (besides his mommy) is being outside. 

And the safety police (aka my parents) can rest peacefully.  No safety infractions occured.  I made sure that Willy's arms and legs were secure prior to sending my big butt down the slide with him.  No broken arms or legs here. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's about time!

Why did it take me so long to have the girls' from Christopher's school start sending me precious pics of my little nugget.  This is now my favorite part of the day.  It's like a play-by-play of the crazy antics that this little dude is involved in.  Here's my little man today- just a typical Wednesday- playing with some sippy cups.