Saturday, March 31, 2012

Soaking up the sun

We are in the Lou and the weather is amazing. There was seriously at least a 30 degree difference when we got on the plane until when we got off the plane. Willy is taking full advantage of this heat wave. Here's a sneak peek into what he's been up to:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ladies Man

This will come as a shock to no one, but Christopher is kind of a big deal in the Infant 1 classroom at his school.  Not only is he the loudest and fastest, he is also the only boy in his room.  On any given day, he is surrounded by a minimum of 6 ladies.  And boy does this boy love the ladies.  So I joined the nugget for a little lunch play time today.  Here is the little player in action:

I've got my eye on the one in the blue.  She is especially infatuated with my baby.  Too bad he cannot date until he is 16 35.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


A heat wave has hit Ohio and we are taking full advantage.  Yesterday we hit up the driving range to make sure the nugget is ready for his PGA debut.  Our little fieldtrip was a hit!  Christopher loves being outside, Daddy loves to golf, and Mommy loves to be with her boys.

Please note that Christopher was asleep in his car seat when we left.  He went to school with a precious little Polo t-shirt on.  Shame on me for not paying attention to what he came home wearing.  But he rocked that dirty little too tight white onesie like nobody's business. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Que te pasa?

The Nugget is bilingual.  So his outfit yesterday was a shout-out to his peeps south of the border. 

The shirt reads "Mi Papa es Macho".  And damn right his dad is Macho!  This bad boy was actually a gift from us to Jack back in the day.  And it has now been handed down to Christopher.  Full circle my peeps, full circle.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Tomato tomahdo

Tomato, tomahdo, tomato on the floor.  I cut up some tomatoes for Christopher, apparently he wasn't in the mood for them.  At what point should I start taking this personally?

St. Pattys Day

With a last name like O'Neill, you can bet your boots Christopher partied it up for the Irish holiday. The proof is in the pudding:

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Anyone want ravioli!?

I went to visit my little nugget at school. This is what I found when I walked in:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Birthday!

It's a big day in the O'Neill house today. Both of my boys are celebrating! Bo is 384 months old today and Christopher is 10 months old today. We will be partying tonight with a birthday dinner of grapes, sweet potatoes, and cheese.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Dinner

Grilled cheese and grapes. Does it get any better?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kick kick kick kick kick

Here's a quick video of our little swimmer.  Again, note his perfect form.  I smell scholarship.

My little tadpole

Christopher has big plans this summer.  He is going to Florida with his cousins for some fun in the sun and water.  Only problem, he can't quite swim.  And he is not about to be upstaged by those other kids.  So to solve this problem, the nugget started swimming class this morning.  Knowing his love for the bath, we thought this would be a real winner in his eyes.  The jury is still out on that decision.  He definitely loved being in the water.  But did he like the water in his face?  Hell to the no.  But no worries, I am confident that after a few more classes, he will be Michael Phelps Jr. (minus the pot and stuff).

Holding onto mommy for dear life:

Perfect kicking form:

Eating the pool toys:

Losing his mind after getting water in the face:

Walking on water- hallelujah!

Going down the slide:

Looking good.  Christopher looks pretty good too.