Thursday, April 28, 2011

Update on the Stats

I had a quick doctor appointment yesterday to check on Purple Snake's progression.  I learned that the snake is very low (I'm pretty sure I could have told you this- as my "waddle" is becoming more pronounced).  My blood pressure was also higher than normal (for me- but still within ok range).  I asked why that could go up and the nurse said a lot of activity can raise my BP- so for me that means probably from having to walk the 20 feet from the waiting room to the exam room.  I am now a solid 3cm dilated and 70% effaced.  When she sent me out she said "see you next week if you are still pregnant".  So I am holding onto that hope that the Snake will be arriving soon.  But not too soon- we still need to pick up Grandma from the airport on Monday- then it will be long walks, spicy food, and castor oil (not really) for me.  Come on Purple Snake!!!!!

And with genes like these, who isn't looking forward to meeting the Snake??

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Stats

I am taking my sister's advice today and keeping track of the stats leading up to delivery time.  This will be a good way to look back on how Purple Snake progressed- and be able to compare to subsequent Snakes.

Last Friday I went in for my weekly appointment and learned that I was 1-2 cm dilated and the Snake is head down.  Today I went back in (5 days later) to learn that I am now 2-3 cm dilated and 60% effaced.  If you don't know, you can ask Bo what effaced means- he has read his baby books! 

While I am super excited to know that things are progressing along nicely, this doesn't really give us a good indication of when P.S. will be making his or her appearance. 

What we do know is that this is soon to be our reality (and I can't wait!!!):

Side note- how was Jack ever that small??? 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Names

Bo and I have been pretty lucky in the baby name department.  We had names picked out a long time ago for both a little boy or girl- and we both still like these names.  But last night our world was thrown upside down.  We asked our niece Ryan and nephew Jack for opinions on the name.  Jack originally said that we're having a boy that should be named "Max".  He has since had a change of heart and decided the little guy should be a "Bo" or a "Woody".  These are both great options and really got Bo and I thinking.  Then Ryan hit us with some serious genius.  She also thinks this little one is a boy- and this boy should have a strong, one-of-a-kind name.  Her original choice was "Sister".  And while "Sister O'Neill" has a great ring to it- we were still undecided.  So Ryan went back to the drawing board,  and came up with what we think will be the final name.  So we cannot wait to introduce the world to...drum roll please... "Purple Snake O'Neill".  How amazing that our babe can have a name and a symbol??  Ryan has outdone herself again.

The Bump- 37.5 Weeks

Here is the most recent pic of the bump.  I would like to think I am stretched to the max, but I am sure Ricey will find a way to continue growing.

Baby Shower III- The Finale

I apologize for the delay between posts, we had some difficulties with the net.  Bo spent a solid 3 hours at Best Buy- and we are now back in business! 

A couple weeks ago I had my 3rd, and last, baby shower.  Bo's mom's lovely friends threw a fantastic lunch to celebrate this babe.  It was a great afternoon- filled with good company, food, and gifts!  What more can a girl ask for?!?!  Here are a couple of pictures from the day.  I am one lucky lady to have such generous people in my life!

Here's the adorable diaper centerpiece:

The most delicious cookies ever thanks to Mrs. Cornell
(I tried to re-create these & while they tasted amazing, they look like a child decorated them):

Me and Soon-to-be Aunt Erin: