Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Don't mess with this Nugget

Since the burglary, Cee-Dub has had multiple conversations with Bo and I about beefing up security around here.  He said he wanted to take a more proactive role in guarding our house.  So we spent a lot of time looking for a baby shiv at Target- but Steelyard Commons was sold out.  So we moved on to the next best thing- intimidating footie pajamas!!!!  The Nugget is confident that anyone who sees him in this outfit will turn and run for safety.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Friday Night Cuddles

The O'Neill's had another wild and crazy Friday night.  We ate dinner, watched some tv, and mom and baby were in bed by 8:30pm.  Woo hoo- it's like Mardi Gras up in here!  Here's a little pic of our tv watching/snuggling session.  Excuse the poor blackberry quality and dark lighting- but this little face is too precious not to share with the world my 6 loyal readers and Christopher actually looks pretty cute too.  Haha- I am hilarious.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

BFF's together again

Last weekend Cee-Dub was reunited with his BFF Petey.  They laughed, they cried, they pooped. 

Holding hands is fun:

What?!?!  Michael can't stay??!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jesus is my Homeboy

That's right- Christopher got a little closer the the big Guy this past weekend by being baptized!!  We had a busy weekend full of family, dining, shopping, baptizing, and frisking any child that walked by in case they were wearing Cee-Dub's clothes.

Christopher's baptism was perfect.  The service was really nice and the nugget was so well-behaved throughout the ceremony.  He didn't even cry when the water was poured on his head (take that Ryan!). 

How cool do I look in my dress??

That was hard work:
Pictures compliments of Grandpa Britt. I will send you a usage check later Dude.

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Security System

As many of you have heard- some disgusting people broke into our house last Wednesday.  Not only did they steal many valuables including jewelry, laptop, camera, 5 coca-cola classics (the madness!), but they also had the nerve to clean out Christopher's dresser.  Yep- they stole from a baby.  Clothes from a baby!!!  To say I was angry and upset doesn't begin to explain it.  But it did prompt us to get a new state-of-the-art security system.  Who is going to mess with us now?!?!?! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Ricey eats rice!!

As I mentioned yesterday, Christopher had rice cereal yesterday for the first time!! And it was a wild and crazy time.  If you haven't heard, 4 months old is the new 21 years old!  He wasn't too sure how he felt about it, but he gave it a try.  While most of it ended up on the bib, we think he did eat a little bit.  And he didn't cry- so I will consider it a success.

The before shot- all clean:

Not sure about this stuff but Mom and Dad say it's good:

They were right- that stuff was delish!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who let the dogs out?!?!

It is noon on the Browns' home opener game day and Christopher and I have already had a full day of fun.  Tummy time, rice cereal, a bath and his first tailgate!!!  That's right- Cee-Dub was initiated into the Dawg Pound today with his first Browns' tailgate. Woof woof.  He was loving all of the people watching- but started to get a little angry when he realized that no one had a ticket for him and he had to go home with mom!  So we cut our tailgating short and came home to a little bubble bath.  What better way to get over missing the game than a bubble bath??!!  But we are happy to say we can cross another "first" off of Christopher's list.

The happy fam:

You jerks didn't buy me a ticket?  What gives?!

Now let's just hope the Brownies bring home a win so that Christopher and I don't have to avoid daddy until next Sunday.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Weekly Photos Continued

Here are the latest weekly photos.  In my unbiased opinion, he is getting cuter by the millisecond.

4 Months Old

Cee-Dub had his 4-month doctor appointment yesterday.  He was so good and we are so proud of him.  His doc was amazed by how strong he was and had the audacity to ask if he rolls over.  IF??!?!?!!  How bout how many times per minute lady- let's get serious.  He had to get 2 injections and one oral shot- and he took them like a champ.  He didn't even cry for the first shot, a couple of tears for the second, and not a peep for the oral one.  His 4-month measurements are as follows:
  • Height- 271/4 inches= 98 percentile
  • Weight- 15lbs, 10.6 ounces= 66 percentile
  • Head Circumference- can't remember the cm- but 95 percentile
Christopher is long and lean with a lot of brain power!!

Protecting that 95th percentile head:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 21st Cannot Come Soon Enough

Why you ask???  Need I say more than this:

Yep- the nugget has picture day!!!!  And for an extra $8- we can have his photos re-touched to remove all those terrible infant wrinkles and blemishes! (sarcasm my peeps- sarcasm)

Monday, September 5, 2011

New Sling

So I went a bit hippie this week and ordered a baby sling to tote Cee-Dub around in.  I got an offer in my email for a free sling (all I had to do was pay for the shipping).  Being that it was free, I gave it a whirl.  And I am happy I did- the babe and I are looking pretty hippie-chic in this thing.  Now excuse me, I must go eat some granola and run around bare-foot.

Labor Day

What?!?!  No school or work on a Monday??  Yaaaaaaaaaaay!