Friday, December 30, 2011

QT with G & G

So I have yet to download the pictures from the camera, so in the meantime you will have to make do with pictures from my phone.  As I mentioned earlier, Christopher was super sick last week.  It was so sad to see him like that, but he did make for one cuddly little dude.  And Grandma & Grandpa Britt made sure to cash in on those cuddles with their main man "Willy".  In fact, on several occasions they commented about how he was their favorite grandchild.  Not only is Willy inheriting the Mustang, but he has officially moved into the #1 spot for the cash money.  Sorry Anisten, Nolan, Jack, Ryan, and Reese- but the truth hurts.   

Playing with Gpa & Lotso

Playing on the computer with Grandma- most likely some online gambling

Holding hands with Grandpa

Next year those other stockings will come down to make sure Willy has ample mantle space.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We're back

Sorry for the delay- I have spent the last week with 50% of my readers (aka mom and Leslie).  We have been very busy- sickness, traveling, Christmas, bonding with the fam.  I am going to try and get our pictures uploaded and post about our adventures.  Please pray that I get it all done.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Brunch with Santa

Christopher spent his Sunday morning with some very important people.  Obviously I am the top of this list, but he was also hanging out with Santa Claus, the Grinch, the Cat in the Hat, Spiderman, Batman, Captain America, Shrek, and an elf.  He is kid of a big deal.

Waiving to his #1 fan: Mommy

Santa is coming here?!?!?!

Big boy drinking out of a cup: 

I'd rather be napping:

The Cat in the Hat!!

Yep- napping is more fun

This is the life:

Christopher actually slept through 90% of our Brunch with Santa.  But to his defense, the little guy is not feeling well.  Here's to hoping he gets better ASAP.  We have hot plans this week- visiting our STL peeps!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The best present

For those of you asking what we want for Christmas- we want cold hard cash already have the best present.

Pardon the bags under the eyes- we are not morning people at the O'Neill house.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Major Milestones

C-Dub hit a couple of big milestones yesterday.  The first- he officially started crawling.  And by started- I mean he had his hand and knee going at the same time.  While it was only one motion before diving to the ground- we are well on our way!!!

And the second- and the one that makes his father extremely proud- is that he broke the metal bouncy seat at school.  The little monster bounced with such excitement- that he broke the chair.  The chair that is capable of holding twice his weight.  He's such a little bruiser.

The little monster pretending to be an angel:

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reading is FUN-damental

My little nugget is quite the avid reader.  Among his favorites are War and Peace, Pride and Prejudice, and Hippos Go Berserk.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fotos semanales

Here are the newest fotos semanales- or weekly photos for the non-bilingual crew.  C-Dub taught me how to say it.  Cha right- this mama spent time in Spain- I know my Spanish.  And google translate doesn't hurt.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Breakdown of tough love

Here is a little step-by-step lesson into Tough Love: Crib Edition. 

Step 1:  Put precious, adorable, cute little baby into crib.  Watch as he begins to flop around, kick his legs, punch his hands, and scream at the top of his lungs:

Please note feet are already kicking:
Step 2:  Watch precious, adorable, cute little baby flop around for 15 minutes while screaming at the top of his lungs. 

Defeatedly ending in this position:

Step 3:  Enjoy 3 hours of silence while precious, adorable, cute little baby sleeps until repeating Step 2 again.

Now ending in this position:

Step 4:  Enjoy 2 hours of silence while precious, adorable, cute little baby sleeps until repeating Step 2 again.

Now ending in this position:

Step 5:  Wake up and play with precious, adorable, cute little baby who is now happy as a clam and ready to party!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

7 Months Old

And I love him more and more everyday.  He was upgraded to the bigger crib at daycare this week.  It won't be long before he is walking, talking, and pushing Bo and I around in our wheel chairs at the nursing home.  Make it slow down!

Taken before school this morning.  Best looking 7-month old I know:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Spring Training

I know I am stating the obvious here- but Christopher is a man of many talents.  His career opportunities grow with every waking day.  So in addition to a potential career as professional golfer, gifted artist, take-no-prisoners Missouri Highway Patrol man, the dude is now adding baseball player to his repertoire.  He definitely has the skills to pay the bills.  And good thing, because mommy and daddy have expensive taste in nursing homes.  Start saving now C-Dub!!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

First Art Project

C-Dub completed his first official art project at school.  I will be framing it and hanging it in his room.  Seriously- how adorable is this?

That's his little foot in the middle.  At least now I know that if for some insane reason the professional golfing career doesn't pan out, no need to worry.  We've got a little Picasso on our hands.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Under the weather

Christopher has been under the weather the last couple of days.  He has a pretty nasty cold.  The nugget and I played hookie from school and work on Wednesday to nurse him back to health.  We hit up the doctor to make sure we were bronchitis free (and we are!!) and spent the remainder of the day cuddling with each other.  While I was so sad to see my little man not feeling well, he was the best snuggler ever. 

Now taking reservations to eat these cheeks:

Red Hat Revisited

A couple years back- little Miss Ryan shared some fashion genius with this:

I obviously failed the fashion exam with the turtleneck/sweatshirt combo.  But to my credit- I added the sweatshirt only because my parents were trying to turn their kitchen into a meat locker with below freezing temperatures. 

Well C-Dub came across that little red hat the other night.  He took advice from his cousin and rocked this look:

I must admit I age well he is cute.