Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The paparazzi are relentless

Who are these peeps that keep taking pictures of me??  Can a guy have a little privacy?

Christopher walks...

Bo took Christopher on his first walk yesterday.  It was a shockingly nice Cleveland afternoon and my men took a little stroll.  Apparently he was quite the hit in the hood.  I made sure Bo wore his wedding ring and wasn't using my adorable baby to pick up chicks!

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures

Obviously I am biased, but can Christopher be any cuter?!?!?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The long story of our baby's arrival

Here is the story of how our baby came into the world:

After a doctor's appointment on Wedneday in which I learned that things had remained the same since the prior week's visit, I had come to believe that the little babe would arrive after being induced on Thursday, May 12th.  My wonderful mother had arrived in town and we had been trying everything to speed the arrival along- long walks, spicy food, exercise ball, etc...  So when we learned nothing had changed, we all figured that nothing was going to happen. 

Bo, my Mom, and I went out Friday night for a Cinco de Mayo celebration (a day late) and had a great dinner.  After dinner we came home and played dominoes (I know- wild and crazy Friday night).  I stayed up later than I had in weeks (12:30am).  I woke up around 2am with some pain in my back.  It was painful enough to wake me- but nothing too alarming.  I got up to move around, but the pain did not go away.  I went back to bed once the pain subsided.  I was able to fall back asleep, but woke up again to more pain.  Now I realized maybe this was labor.  I actually googled "what does back labor feel like" to see if I could get some answers.  I also timed out the pain and realized they were 12 minutes apart.  So around 3:30am- I went upstairs to wake up my mom and ask her expert opinion.  She confirmed that I was likely in labor.  At this point we re-timed the contractions and found that they were now about 7-8 minutes apart.  I went back downstairs and called the doctor.  He confirmed that this was most likely early labor and that we should make our way to the hospital- but not to "break any land speed records".  So I woke up Bo and told him it was time and to get in the shower.  We all got dressed and left for the hospital. 

The contractions continued to be about 7 minutes apart all the way to the hospital.  I still had questions in my mind as to whether or not I was actually in labor because all of the pain was in my back.  I said several times "I really hope they don't send us home".  My mom reassured me that they will not be sending us home.  We stopped by the admissions desk and waited for a nurse to come get us.  After a LONG walk to the maternity ward, we got checked into a room and the nurse came in to examine me.  She was checking me and said "are you sure you were 3cm at your last appointment".  I immediately assumed that somehow I was now only 1 or 2 cm and that they were sending us home.  I was about to cry- but confirmed with her that I had really been 3 cm.  She then told me I was now 7-8 cm and that this baby was coming.  It was so exciting to hear!! 

After hearing the good news that the baby was coming today:
Bo and I realizing our live's were about to change:

They rushed around to get the medicine I needed for Strep B- which would take about 4 hours to administer.  I asked for the epidural and they told me that I had already done the hard work.  Nice try peeps- but bring on the drugs.  I got the epidural and it was amazing!  Although I did get extremely itchy from it and therefore got a Benadryl IV.  The Benadryl made me sooooo tired- so I took a little nap- while in active labor- a true testament to the gloriousness that is the epidural! 

Once we got through the 2 Strep B drugs, it was time to make something happen.  The doctor came in to break my water- and that was all it took to move me along.  Shortly thereafter it was time to push.  I honestly didn't have to push for that long (definitely less than 1 hour).  Bo and my mom were in the room and they were both so wonderful and encouraging,.  They told me I was close and to push again- and at 12:29pm, I saw my little baby coming out.  It was the happiest moment of my entire life.  The doctor said "It's a Boy!!!"- and I heard him cry for the first time- and obviously I was a crying mess at this point.  I got to hold him for a minute and just stared in awe of him.  My mom cut the cord, and Bo followed the nurse to get the little guy cleaned up. 

Holding my little man:

We already had his name picked out (sorry Ryan and Jack)- and we announced to the room that he was Christopher William O'Neill.  He is absolutely perfect- and came in weight 8lbs, 12 oz, and is 21 inches long.  I am head over heals in love already!

Bo holding Christopher (he's a natural already):

Grandma Britt holding Christopher (her favorite Grandchild):

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Artist Formerly Known as Purple Snake

Yep- you read that right.  We are changing the name...AGAIN.  Ryan truly outdid herself with this newest name.  She also had an epiphany that what she thought was a boy is actually a girl!!!!  So once again, we will soon be introducing to the world..... Baby Gaga.  Our baby girl is destined for greatness!!! 

Here is a fun little pic from back in the day.  What could Aunt Leslie possibly have been talking about that made Jack look so thoroughly captivated??