Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Shower III- The Finale

I apologize for the delay between posts, we had some difficulties with the net.  Bo spent a solid 3 hours at Best Buy- and we are now back in business! 

A couple weeks ago I had my 3rd, and last, baby shower.  Bo's mom's lovely friends threw a fantastic lunch to celebrate this babe.  It was a great afternoon- filled with good company, food, and gifts!  What more can a girl ask for?!?!  Here are a couple of pictures from the day.  I am one lucky lady to have such generous people in my life!

Here's the adorable diaper centerpiece:

The most delicious cookies ever thanks to Mrs. Cornell
(I tried to re-create these & while they tasted amazing, they look like a child decorated them):

Me and Soon-to-be Aunt Erin:

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