Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Still cooking plus SANTA!!!!!!!

So this little lady is holding tight and cooking away.  It seems that she thinks a December 23rd induction is the way to go.  Little does she know that she will one day resent a birthday so close to Christmas and wish that she would have appeared a couple of days earlier. 

At my doc appointment last week I was 4 cm and 50% effaced.  My doctor commented that she did not understand how I was still walking around and not having a baby.  All I know is that you cannot call this walking.  The sciatic nerve pain has hit an all-time peak.  I contemplated calling an ambulance on Monday because I could not walk.  I was home from work because the Nugget was sick and I got hit with some serious pain.  It was so bad I could not walk, so I had to crawl to the bedroom and find some Tylenol.  I probably looked like a crack head digging around for drugs.  And my poor child was following me asking why I was acting like a baby.  He's lucky he is was sick, is cute, and I was crippled!

I am back to waddling today, so that is a positive.  Hopefully the visit to the doctor tomorrow ends in sending me to the hospital.  A girl can dream!

I am happy to report that the last couple of days were not a complete waste- we were able to cross one item off of our agenda- visiting Santa Claus.  Christopher was so excited to visit the big guy, but froze when we got within 10 feet of him.  Luckily there was no line, so I was able to coax him a bit.  The first attempt at sitting on his lap resulted in a cry/run away combo.  I'm not ashamed to say I bribed him with a trip to the train store to get him to sit and smile for 1 picture.  So here is Santa 2013:

Friday, December 6, 2013

Baby Dos

So it is obvious that I have done the worst job documenting this pregnancy.  I cannot even offer excuses (ok- so I can- nausea, back pain, anemia, extreme tiredness, etc...).  I realized that this babe is about to make an appearance- and I have done nothing other than announce the pregnancy.

So here is a quick snapshot of the pregnancy to date:
  • 18-19 weeks = time when morning sickness subsided
  •  25 weeks = time when back pain picked up
  •  30 weeks = time when sleeping through the night ceased around-replaced with bathroom trips every 2 hours
  • 30 weeks = time when peanut butter craving started to disappear
  • 8425 = number of pistachio's consumed in last 2 months
  • 18= number of pounds higher the scale is showing (although I lost 4 in the beginning, so actual gain is 22)
  • 11 = number of pounds added as a direct result of the pistachio consumption
  • 16 = number of times a day I remind Christopher to be careful and not jump on my stomach
  • 5 = number of times a day Christopher kisses my belly and says hi to his sister
  • 9 = number on a scale of 1-10 that I am mentally ready for this baby
  • 4 = number on a scale of 1-10 that we are actually ready for this baby (this weekend will be spent packing bags, getting the car seat out, buying newborn diapers, & getting the bassinet set up)
  • 1 = number on a scale of 1-10 that I am ready at work to be out for 3 months (but the good news is, if I am not there, I can't stress about it)
I had a check-up with the doctor yesterday, and was a bit surprised with the outcome.  I was hoping that I would be progressing along on my own so that they would schedule an induction.  I did not think that she would tell me that I am 3cm and 50% effaced.  She also said this baby will probably be smaller (in weight and hopefully head circumference) than Christopher- AMEN!!

So while that doesn't necessarily mean the baby will be early, there's a good chance she will.  Which is why this weekend will be spent getting the O'Neill household ready for the little lady.

Here's a bump picture- taken at 37 weeks:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ahoy Matey

Apple picking

Two blog posts back to back= super productive day!!

Last Saturday we took the Nugget on his 2nd Annual Apple Picking Extravaganza.  Apple picking involves some of his favorite activities- eating apples, being outside, riding on a wagon/tractor, playing with his friend Flynn, and riding around on a track with Dad.  Christopher was loving life.  And Mommy is loving life now that I have homemade apple sauce and an apple pie.  My maternity pants are not loving life as they are now required to work a little harder to keep everything concealed.


Breaking News

Breaking news... the O'Neills are still alive.  And I'm 25.5 weeks pregnant with a little girl!  Ok- so neither of those are news to anyone that reads this blog.  But considering it has been 3 months since my last post, this is important info people!  The constant harassment from my parents has prompted me to blog again!

I have done a terrible job documenting this pregnancy.  I need to make sure to get some bump pics so that I can compare to when Purple Snake Christopher was baking in there!  This pregnancy came with the same crippling nausea- although it was nice enough to last even longer than with the Nugget- ending right around 18-19 weeks.  Same sciatic nerve pain as the first time.  Weight gain to this point is +5 (I had been negative, but packed on some serious lbs this last month).  Cravings= peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  It is all I want- everyday.  I have to force myself to eat other food because my choice would be the PB&J each time every time.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2 years old!!!!!!!

Guess who's back, back again.  Christopher's back!  Tell a friend.

So work has really been cramping my blogging lately, but I have not completely given up.  But I am acknowledging the fact that my readers reader will be disappointed (sorry Leslie). 

The Nugget turned two earlier this month!!  It has been a wild and fun two years and we have loved every minute of watching this wild, hilarious and sweet little guy grow up before our eyes.  Here's the 411 on the birthday boy:

2 year stats:
   -Height= 36 inches  (80th percentile)
   -Weight= 26 pounds  (25th percentile)
   -Head circumference= 50 something centimeters (92nd percentile)

So he's basically been pretty consistent with the tall, skinny, large dome situation.  The doctor was very impressed with his vocabulary.  They want a 2-year old to know at least 20 words, well this guy was talking about transit buses for goodness sake.  I think it is safe to say we are well past the 20 word mark.  20 words is for rookies, the Nugget is a pro.

  • Games on the iPad (specifically Shape Puzzles with Nana, Doc McStuffins, and Thomas) 
  • Little Einsteins and Doc McStuffins shows (don't dare dream of a dinner watching the news (regular or E!)- the tv has been spoken for by a 26 pounder 
  • Applesauce (or any squeezie thing)- if we would let him, he would live entirely off of those Gerber Graduate things
  • Quesadillas.  When in doubt on a meal (or if you are out of applesauce)- a cheese quesadilla is the way to go.  He has never turned one down- and often requests them for dinner.  Which is cute in itself to hear him pronounce quesadilla.
  • Being outside- especially while riding bikes.  We heard a cute story from school last week:  while cruising for chicks on the playground during recess, Christopher zoomed up to his teacher (who was sitting on the ground) rubbed her back and smiled, then zoomed right off.  Even while riding along looking cool, he still needed to make sure his teacher was happy!
  • Animals- real, stuffed, or plastic.  Christopher knows animal names that I didn't even know existed.  And he knows the sounds for all of them.  Do you know what a Penguin says?  Christopher does!  Waddle waddle waddle burrrrrrrrr.
  • Going to bed.  He is king of the stall!  The words "bedtime" are usually followed by any of the following stall tactics:
    • play trains?
    • more books?
    • watch a movie?
    • kisses for mommy?
  • Getting dressed.  Many a morning, Christopher will fight getting dressed.  He prefers to be a naked baby and "stay home with mommy/daddy".
  • Keith.  Poor poor Keith.  Keith was a classmate of Christopher's (who has luckily since been expelled- for realz).  Keith looked like Ray Lewis and ate steak for breakfast (true story).  Keith was a not-so-gentle giant.  Everyday Christopher would come home telling us about what Keith did that day (Keith pull jacket, Keith pushed Addy, Keith went to cool down in the office).  I tried to explain to the little Nugget that he was fighting out of his weight class, but it did not sink in.  Luckily Keith left before Christopher ended up stuffed in a locker with a "snitches get stitches" note on him.
  • Enchiladas.  I have tried and tried and tried, but that boy will not eat one of our favorite dinners.  So instead he guessed it-a quesadilla.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Christopher's first attempt at swimming classes did not go so well. But we went against our better judgment and decided to give swimming class a 2nd try. And he didn't hate it!! Granted, he didn't LOVE it, but it was a step (or stroke ha ha) in the right direction. There were no tears, or screams, and we actually got a smile or two. Michael Phelps he is not, but no worries since we have our (our= Bo and I) heart set on golf.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nap Time

There is nothing sweeter than a nap with my little Nugget. He is so sweet and cuddly at nap time. I need to hold on to these moments for dear life because they are becoming less and less often. In fact, Bo tried to lay with him yesterday and he told him to go downstairs and went to be on his own.


The Nugget was sick last week and so sad. The only upside was that it made him super calm and cuddly. Luckily he is now on the mend and back to his crazy, sit on your friends, ways.

P.s.- true story- he was sent to the principals office at school two weeks ago for sitting on his friends. They assured us it wasn't to be mean, but there was some crying from the victims.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

New jammies

Willy scored some new Thomas pj's (thanks to a tip from Nana that Old Navy carries Thomas).  These babies were a hit! 

Styling his hair just like his Dad's


This little bum is my favorite!

Brunch with friends

On Sunday morning Christopher invited his nearest and dearest to a little brunch at his pad.  He made sure no drink went empty (seriously- he sent me back into the kitchen when I attempted to put out empty glasses), he shared his toast, and each guest even scored one grape (which he later ate).  A good time was had by all, but someone needs to work on Penguin's table manners.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Weekend fun!

Another weekend in the books.  We partied so hard on Friday and Saturday, that we had to take it easy for the Superbowl.  Friday night we went to the Lake Erie Monsters hockey game.  I had scored some free tickets, so we decided to check it out.  Spoiler alert- Christopher doesn't care about amateur hockey.  He was having NONE of it, and we left before they even dropped the puck.

Saturday morning was our big Build-A-Bear trip, followed with dinner with Christopher's buddy, Flynn.  The Nugget gets a little confused when we talk about Flynn, since one of his Thomas trains is a fire truck named Flynn.  We have to clarify the boy not the train.  We met up with Flynn (the boy not the train) and his peeps at Dave & Busters.  The boys had a blast (as did the parents).  Christopher even scored enough tickets to add a new animal to his stash- this time a penguin!

You'll be my wing man right dude?

Boys on a shelf

Racing an 18-wheeler with Dad!

Saturday, February 2, 2013


With Christopher's current obsession with bears, I thought a trip to build-a-bear would be a winner with him. Pandas have recently become his favorite type of bear, so I was excited to see that you can build your own panda. The Nugget was so excited to go into the store- it was similar to his dad in a brewery! He immediately went for the Panda- not one minute of hesitation on that selection. After our bear was stuffed and "washed", I let Christopher pick out some shoes for the bear. He insisted on boots because of the "no" (translation= snow). We even made the bear a birth certificate. Christopher was responsible for naming his new friend, so he got creative and went with "Panda".

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Another visit with my STL peeps

The Nugget and I arrived home yesterday from a fantastic 5 days in St. Louis!  Christopher LOVES spending time with his cousins, so he was living the good life.  (Of course he also loves his time with Grandma and Grandpa- please don't take him out of the will).  His love/hate relationship with Reese is incredibly entertaining to watch.  He asked for Reese no less than 20 times/day, and was always sad to hear that she was at home.  But when he did have the privilege of being in her company, they often fought over toys (ahem Thomas the Train), or chased each other around with chairs (no joke). 

Another highlight of our trip came when Christopher FINALLY said his own name.  The boy can tell you the name of every child in his class, every train on Thomas, and every character on Sesame Street- but would not even attempt to say his own name.  I was convinced that he would be 18 years old and introducing himself by patting his belly and saying "me".  So imagine my surprise when I asked him his name and he replied "Chris-fer".  Had my mother not also been a witness, I would have thought I hallucinated.  I made such a big deal out of it, I probably scarred him for life.  But he has since said it several more times, so I am thinking this will stick!

Now on to the pictures:

A special bribe treat (licorice) on the plane to STL!

Jack showing Christopher how to really shoot those angry birds.

Hanging out with Papa (and watching Thomas for the 39th time).

Grandma/Nana bought me this super cool truck!

I am pretty convinced that no boy has ever loved an article of clothing as much as the Nugget loves this sweatshirt that Nana found!

More Thomas!

Need I caption this?  Thomas...AGAIN.

Heading back home to see Daddy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bag bag

Aunt Katie hooked Christopher up with a new back pack for Christmas. He LOVES his "bag bag" or sometimes called "back back". And by LOVES, I mean he demands he take it to school and acts like a complete lunatic when we have to put it in the cubby. The saddest part of it is that there isn't even anything in the bag. How obsessed will he be when there's a train, truck, or hot chick's digits in there?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

My Little BOY

If this little Nugget doesn't stop growing, I am going to need to be committed. He's such a boy now- my little baby is gone 😓.

Monday, January 14, 2013


A couple of weeks ago we headed to Dave and Buster's for a place to keep the monster entertained dinner. After spending $60 on Christopher's games, we had enough tickets to buy an $8-$10 bear. Little did we know that this bear would be the worst thing to ever happen us. Christopher is now completely obsessed with Brownie (the Cleveland Browns' loving bear). We cannot leave the room, let alone the house without him crying out for "bear".  And heaven help you if you try to leave without putting the bear's coat or shoes on (or leave the bear in the cubby at school).  I will be making another trip to D&B's to see about getting one or two replacement bears. 

Christopher and his new BFF, Brownie

The Bear riding on the "bus"

Brownie's first train ride at the mall

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Down and out

My poor little baby is under the weather this week. He caught a nasty little bug and it is hitting him hard. We are on a rotation of liquids, tylenol, breathing treatments, Thomas the Train, snuggles, more Thomas, and refusing to eat anything. I'm hoping he recovers quickly because he is breaking my heart. On the flip side, he NEVER lets me snuggle like he is now. So I will soak it in while I can.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Come on Baby Stiff!!

The day is here.  Yaaaaaaay!  Aunt Leslie is currently chillaxin in the hospital waiting for some wonderful drugs.  Most of us are anxiously awaiting news of this baby's arrival.  And by most of us, I mean everybody but Christopher.  And probably Reesey.  Reesey doesn't adjust easily to change.  At least Christopher's restraining order against her has expired.  Just in time for the new babe to get one. 

BFF Bonding

The BFF's were together again for a few hours over the holidays.  It is so fun to sit and observe their different little personalities.  Michael goes down the slide feet first, Christopher goes down head first.  Christopher played with the trains.  Michael played with everything.  One thing these little dudes did agree on-  juice is delicious and the kid in the dinosaur shirt is ANNOYING!  So much so that in one of the play houses, my precious little baby politely showed him to the door, and then promptly slammed it shut behind him.

Ahhhh yeah!!  30+ inches means free reign in the toddler zone!

Riding in a car is tough work!

We made a fantastic trip to Ikea this week. While Christopher LOVED running around the store, he thought the drive was rather boring.  Mommy LOVED the store too, especially her new furniture.  And she will LOVE it even more when Daddy builds it.  Hint hint Bo.  Happy wife = happy life. 

I could be at home playing choo-choos right now.  What gives?!?!

Couldn't even get past page 2 of Curious George at the Zoo.