Monday, February 24, 2014

2 Month Check-Up

Elizabeth had her 2-month check up on Friday.  I can't believe it has been 2 months- it went by way too fast!  And unfortunately it means that maternity leave will be coming to an end too soon.  I am not looking forward to March 20th.

But back to little E.  She really showed off at that appointment.  Not only did she show the Doctor how she tries to roll over, but she also tried to crawl.  The Doc was surprised by how well she got her bum and knees moving, as though she was about to crawl away.  And my babe took her vaccinations like a champ! 

Here are the 2-month stats:
     Weight= 10.00 pounds (28th percentile)
     Height= 23 inches (74th percentile)
     Head circumference= 39.3 centimeters (65th percentile)

When Christopher was the same age, he was:
      Weight= 13.9 pounds
      Height= 25 inches
      Head circumference= 41.6 centimeters

Our little lady is considerably smaller than her brother.  But the doctor said she is healthy as can be and looks great! 

Her likes/dislikes are:
     -Vitamin D (1 ml a day is not enough- she would eat it all day long if allowed)
     -Facing out when being held
     -Her brother (as long as he doesn't accidentally attack her)

     -Riding in the car
     -Being cold (I definitely can't blame her here)

She has been a very easy/happy baby thus far.  I hope I am not jinxing it.  She has even give me so decent sleep- including a 7 hour stretch the other night.  Most nights we get around 5 at a time, which I will take all day long!

And on another note, we are on day 5 of potty training with Christopher.  And I dare say it hasn't been so bad.  Accidents have been minimal, he has started telling us when he needs to go (vs. us asking), and he has woken up from naps and night-time dry!!  I think we are almost there.
(I apologize if this picture makes you uncomfortable because it 100% looks like Bo sitting on the potty!)

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