Christopher and I spent a long weekend with our peeps in the Lou. The Nugget loved almost every second of the trip (the only exception being sharing with his arch-nemesis: Reesey). Not only did he get to read and play with Grandma and Grandpa, but he also had tons of fun with the Stiff and Britt clan. And G&G's basement kicks some serious a$$ for a little man that loves cars and trains. We can't wait to head back for Thanksgiving!
Wheeling his own suitcase through the port. He was a serious trooper with that thing. Did the entire "C" concourse at Hopkins by himself! |
Fun with GPa at the park!!
Walking with GPa to check out the horses. Reminder to self- horses are fun from far away. Horses are not fun up close.
All dressed for the Stiff Halloween Extravaganza. He even put the glasses on himself!
Just an old man, relaxing in his chair.
In case there was still any doubt, the Mustang is officially Willy's.
Waiting to board and head home to see Daddy! |
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