Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Where's Eddie, he usually eats these damn things...

The nugget got yet another new hat (this one from his peeps in VA- thanks Rapps).  I cannot love this hat more.  But does it remind you of anyone??

Stumped?  Here's a hint: "They had to replace my metal plate with a plastic one. Every time Catherine would rev up the microwave, I'd piss my pants and forget who I was for about half an hour."

Still thinking?  Here's another hint: "Over here? Well this is nothin. But here, well if you dent this, my hair just isn't gonna look right."

That's right- Christopher was channeling his inner Uncle/Cousin Eddie. 

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't be more surprised if I woke up with my head sewn to the carpet.

    Love that kid - bring the hat during el dia de Christmaso.
