Christopher had a 15-month doctor visit this week to get a couple more vaccinations. The little man took those shots like a champ! Not only was he a trooper with the shots, he also performed all of his "tricks" for the doctor to see- pointing, clapping, waving bye-bye and saying baby. Luckily he does not cave under pressure, so that PGA career we have planned for him is totally possible!
Here's the update on the nugget's stats at 15-months old:
-Height- 32.5 inches (88th percentile)
-Weight- 22.25 lbs (17th percentile)
-Head circumference- don't remember but 95th or 96th percentile
-All things fruit- grapes and peaches make up 80% of his diet (maybe this has something to do with the 17th percentile)
-Mac & cheese- this accounts for the remaining 20% of his diet- if he could have mac & cheese for lunch and dinner every day- he would absolutely do it with no complaints
-Sitting forward in the car seat- we made the turn around because his legs are so long and it was too cramped facing backwards. This opened up a whole new world to the little man.
-Semis, motorcycles, loud cars- now that he has a better view out the window- he loves to see loud vehicles on the road. If the PGA plan fails, truck driving is always a back-up.
-Playing with other kids- when we see another little peep (whether we know them or not)- Christopher wants to play with them immediately. One of his favorite peeps to chill with is his BFF Michael.
Hopefully we do not see this repeated in 20 years |
-Shoes- we have stumbled upon a new fascination with shoes. Men's or women's, kid's or adult's, it doesn't matter. The dude loves taking shoes on and off his feet, as well as having others take shoes on and off. So if the PGA and truck driving dreams fall through, he can channel his inner Al Bundy and become a shoe salesman. Dream big mom.
This outfit was not approved by mom. It was a result of a 15-month old feeding himself mac and cheese. |
-"Talking" on the phone- once he gets his little paws on a phone- watch out. He will tell you about his day, daba daba daba you, or hang up on you.
Please note the too big pajamas that he insisted on (since they have Elmo). And the too-small flip flops. The shoe obsession does not discriminate on size. |
-Staying indoors- the man likes to be outdoors- can't nobody keep him locked up. And if you dare try, then I hope you have some ear plugs because he will let you know.
-Gaining weight- apparently he is watching his figure (it is bathing suit season afterall). I've been trying to get him to pack on the pounds- and in 3 months he gained 2.5 ounces. Success?? I think not.
-Getting his diaper changed. The dude has a packed social calendar, so spending 2 minutes getting a change really cramps his style.
-The Kardashian's- any time mom wants to catch up on a little smutty tv- my little man either changes the channel or turns off the tv entirely.
-Reesey! Reesey is definitely more enemy than friend these days. Put two strong-minded, crazy biters in a room together- and bad things can happen.