Christopher has big plans this summer. He is going to Florida with his cousins for some fun in the sun and water. Only problem, he can't quite swim. And he is not about to be upstaged by those other kids. So to solve this problem, the nugget started swimming class this morning. Knowing his love for the bath, we thought this would be a real winner in his eyes. The jury is still out on that decision. He definitely loved being in the water. But did he like the water in his face? Hell to the no. But no worries, I am confident that after a few more classes, he will be Michael Phelps Jr. (minus the pot and stuff).
Holding onto mommy for dear life:
Perfect kicking form:
Eating the pool toys:
Losing his mind after getting water in the face:
Walking on water- hallelujah!
Going down the slide:
Looking good. Christopher looks pretty good too.