Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another video

The babe was so tired last night that he was slap happy.  I only wish we could have filmed everything he did because that little man is hilarious.  Here's a little clip from the crazy man:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where's me lucky charm?

Check out my little leprechan:

Please know that this is not an outfit that I would ever have allowed to happen under my supervision.  Apparently his extra clothes at school need to be updated.  Or maybe they are gearing him up for St. Patty's Day?  Those pants are not intended to be capri pants and the shirt is not usually a belly shirt.  And he was wearing socks, but pulled them off to chew on in the car. But he looks too cute not to share.  Those irish eyes are smiling!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Children's Museum

Earlier this month, Christopher's bff Michael (and his 'rents) came to visit. We had a fun-filled day 30 minutes at the Children's Museum.

The boys cruisin' for chicks:

Christopher hanging out in his silo:

Michael showing Christopher some standing tricks:

Giving Michael a lift:

Michael, tell your new friend to have a little class:

Where's that creepy pantless dude that Michael was hanging with??!

Only thing missing is their morning coffee and newspaper:

Ahhhh...that no pants dude is still here!

Christopher loved his first trip to the museum!!  He is obviously his father's son- enjoying a little culture in his life.  Maybe the love of museums will rub off on mommy, but let's not hold our breath.

Friday, February 24, 2012

New drum

Christopher loves banging on things. He is very resourceful and can find many different "drums" throughout the house. This drum is top of the line:

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cottage Cheese!!

My little nugget is one skinny little dude.  We have been working to get some meat on those chicken legs.  But this task is proving to be quite difficult- Christopher would rather crawl around than eat anything.  We are trying to get creative with his food, so tonight we tried cottage cheese.  Here are the results:

I really can't blame him though.  Who actually likes cottage cheese?!?!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More fun in the bath

I've said it before and I will say it again, the nugget loves the bath.  He will splish and splash in there until the wee hours of the morning (in his case 6:30pm).

Monday, February 20, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Living the life in the Lou

Christopher met up with his girlfriend at the mall (the cool kids only wear one sock).

Thursday, February 9, 2012

9 Months Old

The nugget had his 9-month doctor check-up yesterday.  Spoiler alert- he is awesome.  Here are his stats:
  • Height= 29.5 inches- 87th percentile
  • Weight= 19lb 8.4oz- 33rd percentile
  • Head circumference= 48cm- 98th percentile
Did you hear?  I'm awesome:
So not much has changed since his last visit- he is a long and lean machine with tons of brains.  The doctor said we didn't need to worry about how skinny he is because he looks healthy and he is VERY active.  He seriously never stops moving.  If I had the energy and exercise regimen that this little man has- the pounds would be flying off. 

Christopher's likes and dislikes at 9 months are as follows:

  • Crawling- everywhere and always
  • Magazines- he loves to mess up daddy's neat stack of Sports Illustrated
  • Splashing- bath time is so exciting when you get to splash around
  • Biting- he has recently taken to biting- and with those two teeth already through- it hurts!!
  • Dogs- the real or stuffed kind
  • Breathing treatments
  • Getting his nose wiped or face washed
  • Clipping his nails
It's hard to believe that in 3 shorts months my baby will be one.  Holy moly!  Time to start planning a birthday party!  Seriously- where is the time going?  He's almost ready to start driving:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Man's best friend??

Not in this house!  Apparently Christopher has taken after mommy in his dislike for the four-legged kind.  I swiped a little Target dog at a career fair this week to give to the nugget.  I thought it would be the perfect little toy to chew on and throw around.  I was wrong- very wrong.  Christopher was super scared of this guy:

I should have videotaped this.  I put the dog next to CW- and he could not crawl away fast enough!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Wear red for heart disease

Nobody said anything about wearing pants.