Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DInner time is hilarious??

Apparently dinner time is only hilarious when Daddy is home.  Mom is obviously a snooze-fest. 

Bath time

As I mentioned in an early post, the nugget loves the bath.  Here's a little glimpse into his bathtime (we were feeling crazy and put the bath seat aside for a bit).

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Baby blues

These little eyes had me at hello!  I could eat him alive.

Living the good life...

With a new bath seat.  This boy is just like his mother- he loves a good, hot bath (but not too hot, don't worry mother).  He's a squirmy little dude- so bath time can prove to be challenging.  The majority of the time, I would just hop in there with him.  But now Willy is gaining a little independence.  This little bath seat has opened up a whole new bathing world- and he is loving it.

Living it up with the duck:

Rocking a mini mohawk:

And don't worry people- I know these seats can be controversial.  I have never and will never leave Christopher unattended in the tub- not even to answer the phone, get dinner out of the oven, or see what is happening on Keeping up with the Kardashians. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Good Willy Hunting

Christopher- aka Willy- has been on a mission to make sure he is the sole beneficiary to the Grandpa & Grandma Britt fortune.  The cousins have put up a good fight, but we are pretty sure we just secured the victory.  That will has his name all over it.  See for yourself:

How can Grandpa deny that?!?!

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's SUPER WILLY!!!!!!!

Christopher has many talents- one of which is fighting crime.  If there is a stolen toy, dropped cheerio, or leaking sippy cup, Willy will come to the rescue.

Superman may need a longer costume??

Just got word that Ryan bit her sister.  Willy off to save Reesey (hence the blurry face- he is moving that fast!)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Photography is a tough job

My coworker bought Christopher this onesie for Christmas.  I promised her that I would get a cute picture of him in his new gear.  Apparently I forgot that my son is a wild animal that cannot be tamed.  Here are some of the outtakes from the photo shoot (there are many, many more photos of the little squirmer not cooperating). 

Don't even try it mom:

I'm coming to get you:

This evil face will intimidate you:
I will eat your camera:


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


The nugget is sporting his Christmas gift from the Britt family today- thanks Uncle John, Aunt Angie, Anisten, Nolan, and Jack.  Go Mizzou!!!

Showing off those clapping skills:

8 months old!!

Christopher hit 8 months last week. Holy cow- the little nugget is 2/3 of a year old. Time is flying. Here's the update on the little man:

  • Crawling- he is officially a crawling machine. There is no stopping him- which means mom and dad need to get on the baby-proofing bandwagon STAT.
  • Banging things around- he could spend an entire afternoon throwing things against our wood floors (much to his father's sadness). 
  • Clapping- it is his new favorite activity.
  • Yogurt- he would eat yogurt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if we let him. 
  • Standing- he can officially pull himself up and stand on his own!  Which is a feat in itself considering I never want to stop holding him!
  • Blow dryer- who doesn't like a good blow dry after a nice bath.  He will lay still like this for hours (15 mins in baby time) if I point the blow dryer in his direction:
  • His winter coat- good luck trying to put him in his car seat wearing his coat.  Somehow he is stronger than me and I have almost had to call off from work because I couldn't win that battle.
  • Breathing treatments- that was the worst experience ever.  Wrestling an alligator has got to be easier than keeping this boy still for 7-10 minutes.  All hell broke loose 3 seconds after this picture was snapped:

  • Mommy leaving him at daycare.  Okay- so it only happened once- but that boy was so sad.  It made me feel awful.  But good to know how much he loves me!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Got teeth?

C Dub is sporting a couple of pearly whites these days. Check him out:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cheerio good mate!

That title is to be read with a british accent.  The nugget has added Cheerios to his diet.  Last week he was eyeing up the older babes at daycare as they were chewing gumming away on their Cheerios.  His teacher and I decided that he was man enough for some cereal too.  Puffs are so last season, a classic Cheerio is where the party is at. And I don't want to brag or anything, but we are also dabbling in sippy cup use.  

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas with the Griswalds

Christopher's first Christmas was such a fun time!  He kicked his poor little sickness just in time to enjoy the holiday.  His cousins helped show him the "Santa" ropes. 

Precious little Jack was his precious little self with C-Dub.  He let Christopher pat his head, lick his face, and pull out his hair and just kept smiling.

If only Leslie could gain some control over her children.  I tell Christopher to pose for a picture- and he listens:

Sweet new Mizzou shirt from Uncle Johnny, Aunt Angie, and the gang:

Opening presents/trying to eat wrapping paper:

Personalized book from the Stiff family:

Nice try Ryan- but Grandpa's loyaty is clear in this photo:

Who needs toys when you can crawl in the box?!

It was a wild and crazy time in the Lou.  No seriously- wild and crazy.