I woke up this morning to a little hand squeezing my nose. Apparently Christopher was awake and wanted to play. Perhaps he did not get the memo that 4:45am is NOT play time. I even tried to tell him no- but I'm sure you can guess who won that battle. The sun wasn't up, the Today Show wasn't even on yet- but we were playing. And by the time we were ready to head off to school and work, we both needed a nap. Unfortunately only one of us was able to take one. Who knew that underneath my desk could be so cozy??
We whipped out a new toy for our before-the-crack-of-dawn play time. We inherited this toy- and I am glad we did because the nugget had a ball! We pushed buttons, looked at lights, smiled at ourselves in the mirror, and listened to some sweet jams, including "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands". And clap our hands we did.
Getting ready to beat up that beat:
Can you hear those sweet lyrics?? Head, shoulders, knees and toes...
The last song that we rocked out to was Happy Birthday. And it was dedicated to this little guy (only he's not so little anymore):
Happy 4th Birthday Jack!!!