Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday Night Fun

Wild and crazy Friday night at House of O'Neill.  We went out for dinner to celebrate a certain "victory" at Mom's work.  Then we came home and my boys watched the baseball game.

I know Cee-Dub may lose a little street cred by wearing mittens- but this boy is teething and mom is afraid he is going to eat his hands right off.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Keeping it Classy in Cleveland

Christopher and I braved the heat today to do a little sun bathing (again- do not call CPS- it was cool enough under the umbrella).  My little man LOVES being outside.  Starring at the trees is his new favorite activity.  We laid on our towel, watched the leaves blowing in the wind, and listened to the roofer next door talk about his baby mama.  It was the perfect afternoon.

Editor's note: I recognize there is nothing classy about our little set-up here-(umbrella, diaper, etc...) but at least that is a water bottle and not a beer bottle or handle of tequila!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Jail Bird

Look at my little jail bird!!!!  He was arrested for being Over the Legal Limit on Cuteness!! 

Oh snap!!!  Yes I just made a cheesy cuteness joke and yes I followed it up with an "oh snap".  Give me a break- I am spending my days with Christopher and he thinks my jokes are hysterical!  Here's proof- I just told him the joke:

Simply Edible

Don't you just want to take a bite out of those cheeks?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon Walk

Cee-Dub was a little fussy after lunch today, so I decided to take him for a walk.  Those of you with a 100+ degree heat advisory- do not call child protective services. I live in Cleveland and it is surprisingly pleasant out today- there's a nice breeze and plenty of shade on our walking route.  So I strapped Christopher into the Baby Bjorn- facing outward!!!  (We just promoted him to outward facing this weekend).  His fussiness disappeared as soon as I clipped him in.  As soon as I walked out the door I heard his breathing change.  I came back inside to catch a glimpse of my little man and saw this:

So we did a quick walk around the block- although Christopher has no idea that this happened.  I would like to personally thank Mr. or Mrs. Bjorn for the greatest invention there ever was (the wheel/car/etc... have nothing on the Bjorn).

Monday, July 18, 2011


How do you relax after a big Sunday of walking through the Taste of Tremont and watching the British Open, Indians Game, World Cup Soccer, Big Brother, True Blood, and Keeping up with the Kardashians???  Well you put on your footie pajamas, watch your mobile, and pass out!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kickin' it Big Willy Style

Willy (as Grandpa Britt calls him) rocked out in his sweet new kicks yesterday.  Don't mess with a baby in Pumas.


No not mine from working life (frown face).  We must sadly announce that we are officially retiring Christopher's "home from the hospital" outfit.  This is a sad sad day for mom!  How has my little guy gotten so big already?!?!?!

3 days old (he is swimming in this thing):

2.5 months old (already wearing the 3-6 month version)- retired onesie on the right:

2 Month Check Up

Christopher made it through his 2-month check-up like a trooper.  He had to get three injections and one oral shot.  Surprisingly he took the injections like a champ, but the oral one sent him over the edge.  He was obviously not digging the taste.  What can I say, he is very picky just like his mother. 

In addition to the shots, we got an update on Cee-Dub's stats.  At 10 weeks old he is 13.9 pounds (82nd percentile), 25 inches long (95th percentile), and a 41.5cm head circumference (79th percentile).  My little babe is not so little.  The doc stated the obvious- he is going to be one tall boy-which will lead to some sports greatness- which will lead to a college scholarship- which will lead to happy parents!

Here's my little nugget before we left for the doc:

And after:
Still smiling and showing off those neck muscles

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Smile- it's almost the weekend.  Although who are we kidding, every day is the weekend on maternity leave!

(Please don't let my annoying voice take away from the cuteness)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Christopher- The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Christopher is kind of a big deal.  People know him.  He does, afterall, cruise the streets of the Cleve in a Ford Fusion.  He's going to be famous one day and you should all familiarize yourselves with this little nugget.  So here's the 411 on Cee-Dub:

Bath Time:

Holding hands with my BFF Lil' Mike:
Two notes about the picture:  1) the hand-holding happened on its own- no parental interference there, and 2) Cee-Dub was apparently over wearing his shorts- he wanted to show those thighs off!

Skyping with my STL peeps:

Nap-time with my Dad:

The Browns (of course):

Looking at my mobile:


Dislikes (Rest assured Christopher- there is no photo documentation of these- Mommy loves you too much):

-Getting out of the bath
-Saying goodbye to my BFF lil' Mike
-The sun in my eyes
-Being scared by loud noises
-Gas (who doesn't hate gas??)
-Pizza or Spaghetti sauce
-Any type of formula (sad for mom)

Note to loyal readers- Christopher has his 2 month doctor's appointment this Friday (although he will be 10 weeks old).  He has to get 2 shots- shhhh- don't tell him that.  Although I'm pretty sure I will be worse off than he is.  We are taking bets on the little man's stats.  The over/under is 14 pounds and 24 inches.  Anyone like to place a bet?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mi Familia

Here's a shot of our little fam.  Obviously we are not very entertaining for Cee-Dub.

Chillin, chillin, minding my business