Monday, March 28, 2011

Baby Shower Part Duex, STL Visit, and A-List Celebrity Sighting

Bo and I took a road trip to the Lou the weekend before last to celebrate Reeser's 1st birthday and for a baby shower with the fam! 

We polled the kids to learn there are mixed thoughts as to the sex of the baby.  Anisten says girl, Nolan says boy, Jack says a boy named "Max", Ryan says that he/she will be a baby (she's smart like her mother), and Reeser smiled and then ate whatever was in my hand. 

My lovely Aunt Mary Lee hosted a shower for me at the Zodiac restaurant at Neiman Marcus while we were home.  The food was good, the company was great, and the gifts were adorable.  We even had the pleasure of seeing one of Hollywood's finest modeling in the restaurant.  Brace yourselves- but Monet from the most recent Big Brother was in our presence.  Yes- the Monet that was evicted from the house after 2 weeks!! 

Here are a couple pictures from the shower (thank you to Leslie for being the photographer and sending me the link so I can steal pics):

Centerpiece complete with a rattle for the babe!

 How stinking cute is this onesie??  Thanks Aunt Mary Lee, Mary, and Ann

It was so good to see everyone- but crazy to know that our next trip will be as a family of 3!  I cannot wait for this little one to meet his/her crazy cousins! Here's some more photo-documentation of our weekend:

Jack chill-axin at Best Buy

Jack & Ryan riding the turtle after we sprung Ryan from school

The biter- 2.5 going on 16

The Bump- Week 34

Here is the latest update of the ever-growing belly.  And to think- this little babe is going to keep on growing for about 6 more weeks! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baby Shower Numero Uno

My amazing friends threw a baby shower for me this weekend.  It was such a great night and I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends in my life.  This little babe has a great group of "aunts" that are so fun and have great taste!  Bo and I are so thankful for all of the great things we received.  All these gifts have kicked me into nesting mode- now if only my dresser would get here so I have somewhere to put all of the loot (hint hint Babies R Us customer service department).

The ladies went all out with the Irish theme for this Irish lad/lassie.  And Alexa (or as Bo now refers to her- the Greek Witch Doctor)- predicted that this little one is a boy- and she is 9 for 9 on predictions.  So if Ricey is indeed a boy- we are going to need to come up with a more masculine nickname- we are leaning toward the Rice-a-nator. 

Here are some pictures from the shower:

Adorable Irish Decorations (how cute is Megan's house?!?!):

My amazing and generous friends(minus one photographer Alexa):

I cannot believe Rice-a-nator will be this small!

Thanks again to my friends,  I feel so lucky!

The Bump- Week 32

Here is the most recent shot of the baby bump.  It's hard to believe that this little guy/gal will continue growing for another 8-ish weeks!