Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tough love is working...a little

We have been "tough-loving" the nugget for a couple of weeks now when it comes to sleeping in the crib.  He got a little too spoiled sleeping in the bed, so it was a big adjustment going back to the old crib.  We've seem some late nights, tears, and tantrums- but I think we are rounding the corner.  **Knock on wood**

Here's the nugget showing off those sleeping-in-the-crib skills:

Please ignore the terrible picture quality- but I couldn't resist this shot.  There's nothing cuter than the way babies sleep with the little tush in the air!  I will say, I am proud that Christopher keeps it classy when sleeping, unlike some other people we know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!!!!! That's a precious little a*s-crack you're talking about!
