Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Christopher- The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Christopher is kind of a big deal.  People know him.  He does, afterall, cruise the streets of the Cleve in a Ford Fusion.  He's going to be famous one day and you should all familiarize yourselves with this little nugget.  So here's the 411 on Cee-Dub:

Bath Time:

Holding hands with my BFF Lil' Mike:
Two notes about the picture:  1) the hand-holding happened on its own- no parental interference there, and 2) Cee-Dub was apparently over wearing his shorts- he wanted to show those thighs off!

Skyping with my STL peeps:

Nap-time with my Dad:

The Browns (of course):

Looking at my mobile:


Dislikes (Rest assured Christopher- there is no photo documentation of these- Mommy loves you too much):

-Getting out of the bath
-Saying goodbye to my BFF lil' Mike
-The sun in my eyes
-Being scared by loud noises
-Gas (who doesn't hate gas??)
-Pizza or Spaghetti sauce
-Any type of formula (sad for mom)

Note to loyal readers- Christopher has his 2 month doctor's appointment this Friday (although he will be 10 weeks old).  He has to get 2 shots- shhhh- don't tell him that.  Although I'm pretty sure I will be worse off than he is.  We are taking bets on the little man's stats.  The over/under is 14 pounds and 24 inches.  Anyone like to place a bet?


  1. My bet over 14! Thanks for the shot out cw!

    Your best bud MJ (lil mike)

  2. I'm gonna bet over 14 and over 24. Love all the pics...that big smile at the end is Great - such a happy, handsome boy!!!
